6A Slide Design Project

Process: I first thought about which talk I wanted to present and then remembered one of my all-time favorite talks by President Uchtdorf called “On Being Genuine.” The message is to remember to always be truly genuine, unlike a Potemkin village. I felt that this would be a good talk for a wide audience: old, young, male, and female because every person needs to be reminded to be their true selves! I then re-read the talk and made notes of the most important points. After, I created a simple sketch (pictured below) of what I wanted the basics of my design to look like. I was able to find a lot, but not all, of the kind of pictures I was looking for. I then organized the design in PowerPoint!

Speaker’s Outline: 

Slide 1: A Potemkin village is “any attempt to make others believe we are better than we really are.”

  • History of “Potemkin Villages”

Slide 2: Examine the heart.

  • What is the state of our hearts?
  • Are we humble and sincere, or prideful and false?
  • Do we try to cover our sins?

Slide 3: Remember what counts.

  • Story of the stake presidency and their goals
  • “Many of the things you can count, do not count. Many of the things you cannot count, really do count.”

Slide 4: Think about “the why.”

  • Why do we do what we do?
  • Is our goal to impress others, or to follow our Heavenly Father?
  • What are our reasons?

Slide 5: No matter where we are, through Christ we can become better.

  • Analogy of the spark and bonfire
  • Weak things can become strong

Slide 6: We go to church for healing, not for hiding.

  • Church is a place where we go to become better, not try to show off our righteousness.

Slide 7: We are to truly love as He loved.

  • We are to serve others and lift them up.
  • It is our duty to become humble, genuine disciples of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Slide Sketch


Critique Report: I critiqued Heather Simpson and Kelly Coppin’s projects. I received critique from Erika Martinez to add a bit more colors from my scheme, but I did not feel that this change was necessary, so I left it as it was. Erika also said that she liked the images of the hands in several of the slides. Sister Larson advised that I take out the black outline on my vertical rectangular shape, which I did. Heather Simpson also pointed out that I did not have a vertical rectangular shape on my first design, so I added one to it. Overall, I received very helpful and encouraging critique!

Link to Talk: https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2015/04/on-being-genuine?lang=eng

Font: Comfortaa (sans serif)

Color Scheme: Monochromatic (turquoise, black, and white)

Links to Images: 

Slide 1: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ec/Castle_and_brewery_in_Kol%C3%ADn_2.jpg

Slide 2: http://www.vwv.co.uk/Content/Resources/images/events/1024×768/327_635277160871138516.jpg

Slide 3: http://www.surgerycenteratdoral.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/fingers-air-thumb-surgery-miami-featured-1024×692.jpg

Slide 4: http://essentialskinsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/woman-hands-up.jpg

Slide 5: https://www.lds.org/media-library/images/meme-bible-john-peace-1342009?lang=eng

Slide 6: http://images.wisegeek.com/therapist-with-hand-on-shoulder-of-man.jpg

Slide 7: https://www.lds.org/media-library/images/category/dating-and-marriage?lang=eng&start=1&end=40&order

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